A preventative approach to public confrontation when flying your drone is to anticipate it and aptly pre-plan for a safe, undisturbed successful aerial mission.
About Tony Marino, MBA, Commercial Drone Pilot
A proud US Navy veteran and a highly creative and impassioned FAA Certified sUAS Commercial Drone Pilot and predominately a straight-forward, "go-to" business expansion strategist and well-known critical thinker, Tony Marino draws upon his earned BSBA in Marketing (summa cum laude) and MBA in Entrepreneurship in lock-step with his real-world expert skill sets in the areas of business strategy, business leadership, creative writing, photojournalism, music, video, and television production, community networking, talent acquisition, linguistics, predictive forecasting, and business performance analyses. Tony has published over 125 articles on the subject of drone pilot business strategy.
These days aerial drones across Oregon are being used in many ways to accomplish many things safely, affordably, creatively, flexibly, and more precisely.
Drones can now combat deforestation by planting millions of trees a year from the air by combining technology, artificial intelligence and special seed pods.
We present our top 9 aerial drone photography tips to help you capture the best photographs and videos from your in-flight camera.
Drones are delivering freshly creative and unique ways to remember a wedding event by elevating your perspective with aerial photography and cinematic footage.